Harley Quinn (2021 DC) #20A

Harley Quinn (2021 DC) #20A

Reading Harley Quinn has become such a pleasure. In between the chaotic and playful nonsensical cuteness and the on-point deep philosophical and literacy knowledge she throws in the same paragraph, the book itself is a surreal dive in the depths of a chaotic and tormented genius. Stephanie Phillips gives us a Harley that can quote Aristotle’s happiness philosophy, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Star Trek’s fictional system of time measurement and have everything work together and make sense. But after joining the Bat-family, Harley is still trying to find her own self in this new world for her. We have barely finished the Verdict saga and have been immediately thrown into Task Force XX, what so far feels like a newly Suicide Squad. Which even Harley pokes at. Are Harley and the anti-hero squad be capable of stopping the Frankensteinian monster Luke Fox has created?
Artistically we have just ended an era with Riley Rossmo who guided us through the Verdict Saga, and as we enter Task Force XX we have Georges Duarte whose art perfectly fits the outer space narrative. The story is mostly told in an omnipresent person with the last scene jumping back to Harley’s first person narration: Clown’s Log: Stardate 2022… The art is colorful with strong definition in the face reactions. The backgrounds are detailed and use of panels is very modern through very defined scenes.
We got the Jonboy Meyers cover with very strong lines and an amazing depiction of movement. Colors are bright with lots of shades in layers that bring up the movement. The background is amazingly detailed giving us a perfectly horrifying creature to run from.

🎭 🖍 🎨 ✒️ 📝 💻 🖌 🖼

Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Artist: Georges Duarte & Simone Bounfantino
Colors: Romulo Fajardo JR
Letters: Andworld Design
Cover: Jonboy Meyers

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