All New X-Men Vol. 5: One Down
In the wake of the events of Avengers Vs. X-Men, the mutant world is set to receive a big blast from the past, in the form of the original X-Men! How will the young, unsuspecting mutants from the past - including Jean Grey - react to the conflict and turmoil that has engulfed the world of their future?
by Brian Michael Bendis (Writer), Stuart Immonen (Penciller), Wade Von Grawbadger (Inker), David Marquez (Artist), Paul Smith (Artist), Jason Shiga (Artist), Dan Hipp (Artist), Jill Thompson (Artist) , Bruce Timm (Artist), Arthur Adams (Artist), Robbi Rodriguez (Artist), Lee Bermejo (Artist), Kent Williams (Artist), J.G. Jones (Artist), Maris Wicks (Artist), David W. Mack (Artist)